Converting decimal numbers into its corresponding fractions can be regarded as quite easy. These types of questions are frequently seen in the examinations of primary school level children. Adults may find this type of mathematical problem very easy or simple. But in the case of small children, it can be regarded as quite tough. This can happen, if the concept is not clear to them. Thus, the teachers should always ensure that they are breaking the entire process into simple steps. Then each step should be explained to the children in detail. In this article, we will be discussing how to write [https://beyondnews.net/625-as-a-fraction/ .625 as a fraction]. So, without further delay, let’s see the steps that are involved in the process.

The first step that we have to perform is the removal of the decimal point. In order to do so, we have to add zeros after 1 in the denominator. The number of zeros that needs to be added is equal to the number of decimal places in the given number. Here, there are three decimal places present in the given number. So, we need to add three zeros in the denominator. This will give us the fraction 625/1000. 

Now, this fraction cannot be considered as the correct answer to the question .625 as a fraction. This is because the fraction is not present in its simplest form. Thus, our next step is to convert this fraction into its simplest form. For this purpose, we need to divide both the numerator and the denominator by the same number. In this case, we will be dividing by five. This will give us the fraction 125/200.

As it is evident, this fraction is also not present in its simplest form. So, we have to again divide the numerator and the denominator by 5. This will give us the fraction 25/40.

The fraction 25/40 is also not present in its simplest form. So, we have to carry out the process of division one more time. This will give us the fraction 5/8. As it is evident, this fraction is present in its simplest form. Hence, this can be regarded as the correct answer.

Thus, from our discussion of the topic,’.625 as a fraction’, it is quite evident that problems or conversions like this are indeed very simple. We will be able to solve them easily, if the concept is clear to us! Using this method, any decimal number can be converted into a fraction in its simplest form.

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