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further breaking someone already broken. Only someone who is already broken would consider being hit some version of love.”

I have to agree here; breaking someone is the last thing to make a happy relationship. Generally I’ve found that physical punishment isn’t a very good way of disciplining anyone. I don’t know if real punishment is really an appropriate method of discipline at all. Taken in Hand is about consensual dominance and submission, and if a woman is willing, guidance is far more likely to achieve results than punishment, as the real punishment is the disappointment in yourself for having let your man down, the punishment pales into insignificance anyway, unless the woman is the angry type in which case it only leads to more problems!
Bondage and SM belong “in the bedroom”, for positively strengthening the power exchange situation in a relationship, not as tools of punishment. If obedience is the goal and the woman hasn’t achieved what both the couple are hoping for, clearly they need to work on something rather than use something self-destructive.
But no, you don’t have to be broken to consider being hit a form of expressing love, if you get sexual pleasure from it that’s an entirely different and far more enjoyable route for that feeling!

“The alpha female knows herself to be naturally superior in rank over all the other pack members – but defers to her alpha male.”

-Exactly the same way I feel about it.

by kinkiminx on 2005 Nov 21 - 04:12 | reply to this comment
Just a dominance and submission remark
I find this to be completely absurd to tell you the truth.

I think that some of you people are attempting to make excuses for your own behavior that seem biologically correct. I don't think it's true. To me it seems as if you are attempting to justify your own previous inability to think for yourself or you are of the male species attempting to convince females that they are intended to be submissive.

I see it a bullsh*t and frankly because of the general superiority of physical strength of the male gender the male species is more suited to be the slave to the dictating female.

I'm just saying if it has to be one way or another I can see myself owning a man. I can see having him automatically inclined to perform functions that I simply am incapable of due to my feminity. Therefore the man should be on the leash and should be commanded how to function.

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