13th Ryu-O Match Game 4

Black: Habu Yoshiharu, Challenger
White: Fujii Takeshi, Ryu-O
13th Ryu-O sen, Game 4, November 23rd and 24th 2000
1.P7g-7f     0/0       0/0
2.P3c-3d     0/0       5/5
3.P2g-2f     1/1       0/5
4.P4c-4d     0/1       2/7
5.S3i-4h     2/3       0/7
6.S3a-3b     0/3       2/9
7.P5g-5f     2/5       0/9
8.R8b-4b     0/5       2/11
9.K5i-6h     3/8       0/11
10.P9c-9d    0/8       3/14
11.P9g-9f    9/17      0/14
12.S7a-7b    0/17      8/22
13.K6h-7h    0/17      0/22
14.S3b-4c    0/17      1/23
15.G4i-5h    5/22      0/23
16.K5a-6b    0/22      1/24
17.S4h-5g    10/32     0/24
18.P6c-6d    0/32      9/33
19.P2f-2e    5/37      0/33
20.B2b-3c    0/37      0/33
21.P8g-8f    3/40      0/33
22.G4a-5b    0/40      47/80
23.K7h-8g    7/47      0/80

Again Habu tries something new in the opening. After the Vanguard
Pawns in game 1, the Quick Attack in game 2 and the Subway Rook in
game 3, this time he plays a slow build-up with the Left Mino.

24.K6b-7a    0/47      18/98
25.S7i-7h    8/55      0/98
26.G5b-6c    0/55      5/103
27.S5g-6h    54/109    0/103
28.P7c-7d    0/109     38/141
29.P6g-6f    10/119    0/141
30.P3d-3e    0/119     14/155
31.S6h-7g    18/137    0/155
32.R4b-3b    0/137     2/157
33.P1g-1f    2/139     0/157
34.B3c-5a    0/139     5/162
35.R2h-2f    10/149    0/162
36.P8c-8d    0/149     16/178
37.P1f-1e    28/177    0/178
38.P5c-5d    0/177     11/189
39.B8h-7i    4/181     0/189
40.K7a-8b    0/181     0/189
41.K8g-8h    3/184     0/189
42.P4d-4e    0/184     2/191
43.G5h-6g    20/204    0/191
44.S4c-4d    0/204     1/192
45.S7h-8g    3/207     0/192
46.R3b-3d    0/207     2/194
47.G6i-7h    4/211     0/194
48.B5a-6b    0/211     3/197
49.L9i-9h    39/250    0/197

Diagram 1

Black has a four general castle, but white has a good position too
with the silver on 4d and the rook on 3d. Habu's opening is not a 
failure, but it causes Fujii no problems at all. With 49.L9h Habu
wants to further strengthen his castle by moving into the anaguma.

50.N2a-3c    0/250     8/205

A small change of plan. Fujii intended to play 50.S8c, but did not
trust his position after 51.P4f G7b Px4e Sx4e P*4f P3f R1f Px3g+
Px4e +P4g P4d as Bx4d fails to S*4e. 50.N3c defends against this
silverdrop on 4e.

51.P4g-4f    16/266    0/205

After the game, Habu said that it might have been better to just
play 51.K9i here. However, this is probably the best chance he will
get to start the fight at his own terms, so 51.P4f is a natural move.

52.P5d-5e    0/266     63/268
53.P5fx5e    34/300    0/268
54.P3e-3f    0/300     55/323
55.R2fx3f    23/323    0/323
56.S4d-3e    0/323     3/326
57.R3f-1f    1/324     0/326
58.P4ex4f    0/324     1/327
59.B7ix4f    19/343    0/327
60.P*3f      0/343     52/379
61.B4fx3e    12/355    0/379
62.B6bx3e    0/355     21/400
63.R1fx3f    25/380    0/400
64.B*5h      0/380     6/406
65.S*4c      1/381     0/406

Diagram 2

66.B3e-7i+!  0/381     3/409

This bishop sacrifice surprised the professionals in the press room.
It is unclear if it actually leads to a white advantage, but it
shows Fujii's confidence and positive attitude. White sacrifices 
material for attack, but the most important point here is that the
silver on 4c becomes an idle piece. This is not the case after
66.Bx3f+ Sx3d+ +Bx2e.

67.K8hx7i    2/383     0/409

Of course 67.Gx7i fails to Rx3f Px3f Bx6g+.

68.R3dx3f    0/383     1/410
69.P3gx3f    0/383     0/410
70.R*6i      0/383     5/415
71.K7i-8h    1/384     0/415
72.B5hx6g+   0/384     0/415
73.G7hx6g    2/386     0/415
74.R6ix6g+   0/386     0/415
75.B*3d      18/404    0/415
76.+R6g-5h   0/404     6/421
77.B*7h      4/408     0/421
78.G*4d!     0/408     8/429

Diagram 3

79.B3d-6g?   4/412     0/429

This is a little out of character. Habu does not often miss an
opportunity to fight. Here 79.Bx2c+ was the right move. After 80.N4e
+B3c Gx4c +Bx4c N5g+ R*3b G6a-6b P8e black also has good attacking
chances as the head of the white king is a little thin.

80.+R5h-5i   0/412     0/429
81.S4c-5d+   22/434    0/429
82.G6cx5d!   0/434     10/439

Diagram 4

Another good move by Fujii. After the more natural looking 82.G4dx5d
Px5d S*7i K9g N7c R*4c S6h= Sx6h +Rx6h S*7g +Rx7g Nx7g S*6h G*8h
it is hard for white to get to the black king.

83.P5ex5d    0/434     0/439
84.N3c-4e    0/434     0/439
85.G*5h      11/445    0/439
86.S*7i      0/445     9/448

Diagram 5

87.K8h-9i?   10/455    0/448

Here Habu misses his last chance to make things difficult. After
87.K9g +Rx2i P5c+ N7c P7e N*6e Px6e Nx6e S6f N4e-5g+ Gx5g Nx5g+
Sx5g +R2g black still seems to be losing, but Fujii said after
the game that he did not know what would have happened after K9g,
so this would have been Habu's best try.

88.+R5ix5h   0/455     4/452
89.B6gx5h    0/455     0/452
90.N4e-5g+   0/455     1/453
91.B5h-4i    0/455     0/453
92.G4d-5e!   0/455     0/453

The decisive move. This gold gives white's attack decisive strength.
In the rest of the game Habu tries everything to keep his position
together, but to no avail.

93.B7h-3d    6/461     0/453
94.G5ex6f    0/461     0/453
95.B3dx6a+   0/461     0/453
96.S7bx6a    0/461     0/453
97.G*7h      0/461     0/453
98.G*6h      0/461     11/464
99.G7hx7i    1/462     0/464
100.G6fx7g   0/462     0/464
101.N8ix7g   0/462     0/464
102.G6hx7i   0/462     0/464
103.G*8h     0/462     0/464
104.B*5f     0/462     6/470
105.S*7h     4/466     0/470
106.S*6h     0/466     4/474
107.P*6g     2/468     0/474
108.+N5gx6g  0/468     0/474
109.B4ix6g   0/468     0/474
110.B5fx6g+  0/468     0/474
111.N*8i     0/468     0/474
112.B*3d     0/468     4/478
113.R*3c?!   2/470     0/478

Better was 113.Sx6g Bx6g+ B*7h, but even then white wins after Gx7h
Sx7h S*7i G*8g +Bx7f.

114.G*7b     0/470     0/478

Diagram 6

Now white's king is nicely defended again, so Fujii only has to worry
about his attack.

115.R3cx3d+  2/472     0/478
116.+B6gx3d  0/472     0/478
117.R*3a     0/472     0/478
118.S6hx7g+  0/472     0/478
119.G8hx7g   3/475     0/478
120.N*6e     0/475     0/478
121.R3ax3d+  0/475     0/478
122.N6ex7g+  0/475     0/478
123.S7hx7g   0/475     0/478
124.G*6g     0/475     0/478
125.S*6h     1/476     0/478
126.G7ix8i   0/476     0/478
127.K9ix8i   0/476     0/478
128.R*4i     0/476     0/478
129.N*7i     0/476     0/478
130.N*6e     0/476     0/478
131.B*8h     0/476     0/478
132.N6ex7g+  0/476     0/478
133.S6hx7g   0/476     0/478
134.G6gx7g   0/476     0/478
135.B8hx7g   0/476     0/478
136.G*6g     0/476     0/478
137.B*3c     1/477     0/478
138.S*6h     0/477     0/478
Resigns      2/479     0/478
Time:        07:59:00  07:58:00

Final Diagram

After 139.B8h Sx7i+ Bx7i N*7g or S*6h black has no defence. Another
very good game by Fujii, who again outplayed Habu. More importantly,
he seems to have broken Habu's fighting spirit. Habu missed two
opportunities to make a fight of it, so in the end the game looks
very one-sided. Habu needs to come up with something very special if
he wants to avoid being completely blown away in this match.